Thursday, April 10, 2014

مرقاز و بطاطا بالفرن
1 بصل
500 غ مرقاز
5 حبات بطاطا
زيت زيتون
القليل من الاكليل
ملح و فلفل

طريقه التحضير:
قشر و قطع البطاطا و اغسلها
ملحها و اتركها على جنب
قطع البصل
سخن الزيت في مقلاه، حسب الرغبه
اضف اليه البصل و قلبه على نار هادئه ل 5 دقائق

اضف بعد ذلك المرقاز و قلب الكل ل 5 دقائق اخرى
اضف البطاطا و 1/4 كوب من الماء و دعه يطبخ إلى ان يتبخر كل الماء
اضف الملح و الفلفل و الاكليل
قلب الكل و اسكبه في طبق و ادخله الفرن ل 30 دقيقه في حراره 200 درجه مائويه

STYLE FOOD: Tunisian cuisine, the cuisine of Tunisia, is a ble...

STYLE FOOD: Tunisian cuisine, the cuisine of Tunisia, is a ble...: Tunisian cuisine , the  cuisine  of  Tunisia , is a blend of  Mediterranean  and desert dwellers' culinary traditions. Its distinctiv...

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Tunisian cuisine, the cuisine of Tunisia, is a blend of Mediterranean and desert dwellers' culinary traditions. Its distinctive spicy fieriness comes from neighbouring Mediterranean countries and the many civilizations which have ruled the land now known as Tunisia: PhoeniciansRomansArabsTurkishFrench, and the native Berber people. Many of the cooking styles and utensils began to take shape when the ancient tribes were nomads. Nomadic people were limited in their cooking implements by what pots and pans they could carry with them. A tagine, for example, is actually the name for a pot with a conical lid, although today the same word is applied to what is cooked in it. Pork consumption is forbidden in accordance with Sharia, religious laws of Islam. Like all countries in the Mediterranean basin, Tunisia offers a "sun cuisine," based mainly on olive oil, spices, tomatoes, seafood and meat (primarily lamb).